Dah lme x buka blog ni apalagi nk update.dah berhabuk rupenye 'closet' aku ni.kne delousing the closet, pastu bg tiup2 sket buang habuk,bg pewangi. Rearrange sume entry and gadjet. Tambah tolak ape y patut bg nmpk tenang sket jiwa bl view blog snd bhd ini.Kepala sngt la berserabut..yela,mne x..bngun lmbt.mkn tdo n mkn tdo aje.wat kje umh pn sket2 tu pn klau rajin n ringn tulang nk tlg mak.hehe..ank bongsu y mnja n agak pemalas sket.ptut la xdak org y nk jdkn bini.uuups..mmber2 rmai plak nk kwen thun ni..yelah thn naga..konon2 la this year bring prosperity g2.aku ni..msh disini.still unemployed, no car, no have confirmed spouse to be yet, seems i have nothing...=...( doesn't even know how to strt when everything rejecting myself.am i doing wrong in whole of mylife. am i not sincere enough accomplishing the matter of this life?ooowhh...please..anyone employ me. i wanna be a physiotherapist or even teaching in physio as if it already be written as my destiny.
Ok..me should be orite if relax >>take a deep breath>> bring out the problem>> solve the problem accordingly by Plan, Strategy, Action from A-Z, Prayer, Wait n See, Accept. Do several plan, thus if one plan can't solve the problem, u me may use another plan.